It is an excellent way to eliminate pain and to bring good mood. Regular body massage focused on the most strained muscles can prevent serious health problems and relieve from pain for the long term.
Is very important in today's fast-paced world, where stress is considered the main cause of many physical and psychological problems. Massage is more enjoyable than traditional massage or sports massage. The strokes are done smoothly and some of the parts do not break up during this massage and thus improve relaxation. During professionally performed relaxation massage, clients are falling asleep within the first few moments. Back massage, neck massage, upper and lower limb massage are performed continuously. You will experience significant psychological relief at the end.
Breuss´s method is very popular among the customers. Many blockages are caused by stress itself; therefore, clients after this massage feel a significant psychological relief. This is a gentle and very pleasant manual back massage along the spine. Serves as a solution to the existing problem (disc degeneration) or as a prevention. Breuss´s massage is mostly focused on the muscles around the spine, so this massage is usually recommended to the clients coming with sore back. Releases the intervertebral discs and relieves the pain caused by pressure on the spinal nerve. Massages can be repeated at any time. The stretching of the spine in combination with the use of natural healing oil (St Johns Wort), allows the spinal discs to absorb this fluid which releaves the nerves going from the spinal parts into the whole body.
St. John's Wort Features:
- Affects both physical and mental state, acts as an anti-depressant, reduces physical response tostress
- Improves blood circulation, metabolism and urine excretion
- Used as a massage agent for the spine pain, regenerates intervertebral discs
- It's anti-inflammatory
Very pleasant foot massage which primary goal used to be prevention, but nowadays is used primarily for therapy or to accelerate convalescence. It can help where other methods do not work (for instance, in the case of chronic problems), where treatment with chemical preparations is not appropriate, or when the body is weakened. Reflexology foot massage can be used either as a stand-alone method or combined with classic massage.
Is designed not only for top but also for amateur athletes during preparation for or after performance. This massage is not suitable for people suffering from chronic illness.
The primary objective of an anti cellulite massage technique is to melt away the fat and reduce the appearance of conspicuous cottage cheese look of the skin. Anti cellulite massage technique works on fat cells of our body and helps these cells to detach from the tissues and reabsorb evenly. This type of specific massages is performed on those areas of the body that are most susceptible to cellulite. Legs, hips, buttocks, and abs are most prone to developing cellulite.
The period of pregnancy with its gradual belly growth is a time when mothers experience stress to the spine and spinal muscles, especially in the area of the small of the back. Pregnancy massages are adapted especially for mothers-to-be. They are performed on the side or in a sitting position. The massage is careful, gentle, suitable oils are chosen, with pleasant relaxation music that will relax you and your baby.
Lava Stone Massage is considered as the Queen of Massage, not only for its non-recurring experiences, but also for its effects on the organism. The lava stone massage is pleasantly relaxing and gets playful when the masseuse places hot stones on the body, places them on the palms, soles and between the toes, massages and rattles them. The exceptionalness of this massage consists in the placement of hot lava stones on the body, special hand massage using essential aromatic oil and subsequent massaging with the stones.